BidaskClub Downgrades ANGI Homeservices (NASDAQ:ANGI) to Strong Sell

by Micheal Quinn

ANGI Homeservices logoANGI Homeservices (NASDAQ: ANGI) became downgraded using BidaskClub from a “sell” score to a “robust sell” score in a studies record issued on Friday, BidAskClub reviews. Several different equities analysts have also recently weighed in on the agency.

Zacks Investment Research upgraded Golub Capital BDC from a “hold” rating to a “buy” rating and set a $20.00 fee target for the business enterprise in a research record on Tuesday, July 16th. Aegis initiated insurance on ANGI Homeservices in a studies report on Monday, April 8th. They issued a “buy” rating and a $22.00 price goal for the corporation.

SunTrust Banks reiterated a “buy” score and issued a $20.00 fee target on stocks of ANGI Homeservices in a research record on Wednesday, May 22nd. The Street cut Viavi Solutions from a “b-” rating to a “c+” score in a research file on Monday, June 3rd. Finally, Needham & Company LLC reduce Acer Therapeutics from a “buy” rating to a “hold” rating in a studies record on Tuesday, June 25th. One analyst has rated the inventory with a sell rating, has assigned a hold score, and 13 has assigned a corporation’s buy score. The agency currently has an average score of “Buy” and a mean price target of $22.69.


Shares of NASDAQ ANGI opened at $13.09 on Friday. The inventory has a marketplace capitalization of $6.63  billion, a PE ratio of 68.89, a PEG ratio of 2.83, and a beta of 2.03. ANGI Homeservices has a 50- week low of $12.76 and a 50- week excessive of $23.95. The enterprise has a debt-to-fairness ratio of 0.18, a short ratio of 2.19, and a modern ratio of 2.19. The enterprise has a 50-day transferring common of $14.00.

ANGI Homeservices (NASDAQ: ANGI) ultimately announced its quarterly earnings results on Wednesday, May 8th. The technology organization said $0.02 profits consistent with the quarter’s share, beating the Thomson Reuters’ consensus estimate of ($zero.01) by $0.03.

The organization had sales of $303.44 million all through the quarter compared to analysts’ expectations of $305.54 million. ANGI Homeservices had a go back on equity of 8.11% and a net margin of 8.15%. The firm’s quarterly revenue became up 18.9% compared to the same area final yr. During the equal duration in the previous yr, the business earned ($0.02) profits according to percentage. Analysts expect that ANGI Homeservices will submit 0.19 EPS for the modern economic yr.

In other news, CEO William B. Ridenour bought 10,794 stocks of the business enterprise’s inventory in a transaction dated Friday, July 5th. The inventory changed into sold at an average charge of $12.94, for a total price of $139,674.36. The transaction becomes disclosed in a felony filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which is available via this link.

Also, COO Craig M. Smith bought 4,115 shares of its inventory in a transaction dated Monday, May 6th. The stock changed into sold at an average rate of $18.51, for a total value of $ 76,168.65. The disclosure for this sale may be located right here. Over the ultimate ninety days, insiders have offered 1,102,012 shares of enterprise inventory valued at $15,530,856. 13.10% of the inventory is owned by using employer insiders.

Several institutional buyers and hedge budget have recently sold and sold shares of the enterprise. FMR LLC boosted its holdings in shares of ANGI Homeservices via 3.4% in the 1st zone. FMR LLC now owns 12,437,965 stocks of the technology agency’s stock worth $192,041,000 after purchasing an extra 409,611 stocks within the closing zone. SQN Investors LP boosted its holdings in stocks of ANGI Homeservices via 37.3% within the 1st sector.

SQN Investors LP now owns four,886,483 shares of the generation company’s inventory, really worth $75,447,000 after shopping an additional 1,327,312 stocks within the closing area. BlackRock Inc. boosted its holdings in shares of ANGI Homeservices using 73.4% inside the 4th area. BlackRock Inc. Now owns 2,980,384 shares of the era agency’s stock worth $47,894,000 after buying an additional 1,261,879 stocks inside the last region. Millennium Management LLC boosted its holdings in stocks of ANGI Homeservices with the aid of 223.0% within the 4th zone.

Millennium Management LLC now owns 667,761 stocks of the technology company’s inventory worth $10,731,000 after purchasing a further 461,052 stocks within the final zone. Finally, Geode Capital Management LLC boosted its holdings in ANGI Homeservices by 5.3% inside the 4th area. Geode Capital Management LLC now owns 447,798 shares of the technology organization’s inventory, really worth $7,196,000 after shopping an extra 22,433 shares in the remaining region. Hedge budget and other institutional traders very own 14.38% of the organization’s stock.

ANGI Homeservices Company Profile

ANGI Homeservices Inc operates a digital marketplace for home offerings, connecting tens of millions of homeowners with home service specialists in North America and Europe. Its HomeAdvisor digital market service connects consumers with service experts for home restore, maintenance, and development tasks. It affords customers with gear and assets to assist them in discovering local, pre-screened, and patron-rated providers professionals.

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