What to Do When Your Eye Hurts?

by Micheal Quinn

Well, there are some things you can bite your teeth through and brave it out. And then, there are those other things, almost negligible, if not for the fact that for a few hours, they become the bane of your very existence. And I don’t know about you, but to me, having your eye hurt, swell, purple, redden, or itch is right about at the top.

Eyes are highly sensitive, a lesson we learnt at kindergarten when that child poked your eye and have carried well into adulthood. While most times, your eyes hurting are causes either by dust, or strain, or something irritating but ultimately harmless, there are other times, when you would have to get it checked out.

So, in this article we’ve tried to answer the question as to “why my eyes hurt” , “why do my eyes hurt when i look around”, “why does my eye hurt when i blink”, and other such similar questions. 

Why Does My Eye Hurt When I Blink | Abbotsford & Chilliwack

What causes eye strain? 

Eye strains can be caused owing to several reasons. Thanks to the advent of internet and the evolution of technology, every one of us has their eyes glued onto a screen for the  better part of our day. Exposure to high amounts of digital viewing remains to be one of the most prominent causes of straining your eyes. And for all the book lovers out there, reading our miniscule printed books for hours together bent over a lamplight or any light for that matter can also cause eye strain. Other common causes also inclue

  • Long-distance driving and other tasks that need sustained concentration
  • being exposed to glare or intense light
  • Having an underlying eye condition called refractive error, such as dry eyes 
  • Uncorrected eyesight
  • Being subjected to dry, moving air from a fan, a heater, or an air conditioner
  • Squinting in the extreme darkness
  • Feeling tense or worn out

How to differentiate between soreness, swelling, and pain?

This, pretty much goes according to what our english language prescribes, when your eye burns or feels soft and stingy, you could call it soreness. When the area around your eye or your eyelid gets bigger, its swollen.

Depending on what you feel, and the severity of it, you could try home remedies or drive over to your ophthalmologist.

What causes ocular pain?


The tissue that lines the front of the eye and the inside of the eyelid is called conjunctiva. It has the potential to infect and swell. This frequently results from an allergy or infection.

The inflammation in the eye causes itching, redness, and discharge even though the pain is typically not severe. Another name for conjunctivitis is pink eye.


Chemical and eye flash burns can be extremely painful. These burns typically occur as a result of exposure to irritants like bleach or powerful light sources like the sun, tanning beds, or the materials used in arc welding.

Corneal abrasion

The translucent layer that covers the surface of the eye, the cornea, is prone to injury. You’ll experience an object being within your eye if you have a corneal abrasion.

However, treatments that often remove irritants from the eye, such as flushing with water, won’t help you feel better if you have a corneal abrasion.


Blepharitis happens when the oil glands on the border of the eyelid become infected or inflamed. It might hurt after this.

Foreign substance

Having anything in your eye is the most frequent cause of eye pain. A foreign object in the eye, whether it be an eyelash, a bit of dirt, or mascara, can irritate the eye and produce pain, redness, and watery eyes.


Pressure behind the eyes can increase due to a sinus infection. One or both eyes may experience pain while it accomplishes this.


A common side effect of migraine attacks is eye pain.

Contact lens irritation

People are more likely to experience eye pain from irritation or infection if they wear contact lenses overnight or if they don’t thoroughly disinfect their lenses.


As the intraocular pressure, or pressure inside the eye, increases, this syndrome develops. In addition to these, glaucoma can also induce headaches, nausea, and vision loss.

Acute angle closure glaucoma, a sudden increase in pressure, is a medical emergency that requires prompt treatment to prevent permanent vision loss.

Home Remedies

Allowing your eyes to rest is the greatest method to cure many of the disorders that cause eye pain. Your doctor might advise you to relax with your eyes covered for a day or longer because staring at a computer or television for extended periods of time can strain your eyes.

Wash the irritant out of your eye with water or a saline solution if a foreign item or chemical gets inside. Eye drops and oral drugs help ease the discomfort brought on by allergies in the eyes. 

When cleansing the cheeks or eyes, always use a clean towel or tissue. Wash your hands often, especially after using the restroom, sneezing, or coughing. Keep your fingers and hands away from your eyes. When the eyes are diseased, avoid using contacts.

Patients with glaucoma may use prescription eye drops to lessen the pressure building inside their eyes. Antibacterial eye drops and oral drugs can be used to treat painful eye infections such conjunctivitis and corneal abrasions.

When to see a doctor?

Eye pain should always be taken seriously. However, it is very concerning when eye pain is present together with any of the following signs:


Bodily infection symptoms (such as fever or chills)

Distorted vision

When you are unable to move the eyes normally through their range

Fluid pressure accumulation behind the cornea

An impression of haloes surrounding lights

Enlarged eyes

Prevention is Better than Cure

Wear goggles or safety glasses when engaging in sports, exercising, mowing the lawn, or using hand tools to avoid various causes of eye pain, including scratches and burns.

Always use protective eyewear when working around chemicals, welding equipment, flying objects, or construction equipment.

Regularly and thoroughly clean your contacts. To give your eyes a break, wear your glasses occasionally. Do not use or wear contacts for longer than recommended.

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